In a few years, Bangladesh will be a middle class country: US Senator

  বাংলাদেশের কথা ডেস্ক
  প্রকাশিতঃ রাত ০৮:০৯, সোমবার, ২১ মার্চ, ২০২২, ৭ চৈত্র ১৪২৮

A reception program for Senator Bob Manendez was  arranged by Dr Nurun Nabi in New Jersey last night with Bangladeshi community. The event was quite successful in that Mr Manendez overwhelmingly praised Bangladesh for it’s success story. He also expressed his sincere willingness to work for improving the relationship with Bangladesh .

He said, Bangladesh is a great success story of South Asia. In 50 years time it has gone to a rising middle class country. In few years it is projected to be fully middle class country. That is an exceptional history.

Bangladesh  has proven itself to good security partner in regional and national issues. Bangladesh is good ally in fighting counter-terrorism and we appreciate that.

He appreciated the vibrant and talented human resource of Bangladesh community in USA.

He praised the contribution of Bangladesh in RMG export in global market. Also Bangladesh has tremendous opportunities for further growth.

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