Standing Truck torched in Naogaon

  বাংলাদেশের কথা ডেস্ক
  প্রকাশিতঃ রাত ০৮:৩৩, রবিবার, ৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৩, ১৮ অগ্রহায়ণ ১৪৩০

Miscreants set fire to a standing truck on the Nagaon-Rajshahi highway in Haat Chakgouri area of Mohadebpir upazila in Nagaon on Saturday night.

Mohadebpur fire service station team chief Ashraful Alam confirmed the matter to Prothom Alo.

He said the truck was parked on the west side of a bridge in Haat Chakgouri area and miscreants set fire to the front side of the vehicle at around 9:30pm and fled the scene.

On information, a unit of fire service from Mohadebpur station rushed to the spot, but locals had extinguished the fire before the fire fighters arrived.

No casualty was reported from the incident, Asharaful Alam said.

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